Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today Korean ask me "why Taiwanes don't like Korean". I say this topic is more serious than religion ! First of all , it is hate Korean............OK.................after long time explanation ,I feel before hate is very stupit for hate.
now I am proud before I can easily told to greaman chemicalist student about recycling ,Basf....now I can talk about tonisiai ,egip and libia revelation to swesland .Then talk about the Nationality dislike in history, industry, internationality,楊淑君event...........to Korean.
In the other hand to let Korean Know not ever thing is theirs.
sadly he broken with ex-girlfriend by some agenst event between Taiwan and Korean. But this serious subject I told very clearly. That's I satisfy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gold bless ~~~~~ very scare!

There are 7 arts students made a ghost film and search scene on discarded empty framing.By curious they kick open a locked door and saw a decay hanging body which falling on the ground and head still shaking on the string.

Corpse for a long time, badly decomposed into a few bones, cervical spine to withstand the weight of fracture.

There is a new solution in learning English that is going to museum.Go to museum to see the instrument of painting is quite easy. In British museum and National Gallery museum is also free.

Because it is impossible to concentrate over two hours.So Play or wander is very good.Although you must be just use English and don't depend on home language.

Getting into the English daily life is most important thing .If you getting out the daily and just study ahead your book,that is academic study.
