Sunday, January 08, 2012

Southwark Cathedral, it  is one of the most valuable scenery in London bridge.Sometimes we can heard the bell ringing when you are on train and crossing London bridge.

Monmouth is a coffee shop and also inner the Top10 London coffee shop which locate in Borough traditional market. You should be there and test it.

I love London Bridge this place and I have to transit there every day. However, there is one Saturday I saw lots of tourists walked through this direction and then I understand there must have a good view scenery.

In side have a corsair and some restaurants.
Actually this place before was a there is a "prison museum" today.

Except Monmouth another coffee choice."Le pain quotidien coffee"

Inside have breads and salade...meal and I older a croissant. It is really match with Latte.

The beauty and enthusiastic landlady (red clothes one) gave me a strong friendly impression.
In centre also have branch, so Le Pain is a chain coffee store.

Compared with google map street scene, we can see before just an old building. The glass windows part.....可能是加蓋...違章...,但她還是有辦法弄得有藝術的值感, not the iron hut.

The art atmosphere river pavement beside Thames river. There are many museum beside "Tate modern museum". This photo is not very clear and the blur makes it have impressionism feeling.

St.Paul's Cathedral
comment: the bridge in front of St.Pauls' Cathedral is "Millennium Bridge"(千禧橋)

My physical and spiritual food.
"gbk"(not KGB) is next to prison museum.
This time refresh my bad experience and their service very friendly!

Very big hamburger and no one can open their mouth eat entire hamburger. We have to separate it.