this is my personal home work.(for this season)
It's really hard study.In last book "Pride and Prejudice
" is better easy to read.My teacher also doubt me can I understand this book! PAP is better to read, but SAS is really really hard to read. one page is about 15~25 vocabulary.
you can see in the empty space lots of comment.( in the future I would print out and make a card note)
the first time I read the novel that I bought in the book store in Taiwan (水準書局). The store owner told me if I don't read this book I will regret all my life. That book name is "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold"《冷戰諜魂》.(大概是比較看得懂得一本小說,刺激的地方真得很刺激,是小說史上最佳的諜報小說之一)
After surfing, I went to see a movie that Oldman play. Actually I couldn't very sure the movie's name and what the movie talking about. Until the movie was playing and saying the name "George Smiley " , I wake up and cheer up! "Just that spy story!"
The next day after surfing, I went to sainsbury's to buy some food and I saw this DVD. God! this is very chance, I had to buy it. However, this DVD one disk have 3 hours, and inside have 4 disk total 12 hours.....really lone 0rz
I bought the novel (first photo) I believe after I see this drama 3~5 times, and I would read this book easily. However, actually the novel I want to buy is "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" as the result the Chinese version I had read. Unfortunately all these serial price is £7.99. The most important thing is some novel buy 3 for 2(買2送1) "Tinker tailor soldier spy" have discount and I picked it up.
This book......just the free one in 3for 2. looks easy read.....
this serial is buy one get one(買1送1)I like is "improve your spelling".Too many vocabulary read and forget it. Or always spelling wrong. Another one is a simple business book and I need thin basic book to read.
this DVDs I borrowed form school library. "Bolt" I really really really recommend.
"rear window" was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Last year I borrow his DVD "north north west". I used over 8 hours to write down the dialogue vocabularies which nearly 3~400, and took me lost of time looked up. 10 months latter, these vocabulary become very useful and always appear in my reading and life.Therefor, I continue to borrow Hitchcock's movie. This one "rear window"is my TV produce teacher "J" recommend (老丁推薦必屬佳作)
Except DVD I have to finish watch and write down vocabulary, all the books is my this season's personal homework.