Thursday, March 22, 2012

the key point 2 min

the key point 2 min
have you though if you are in the lift, your CEO or Boss(Ex: if Steve jobs stay alive, and take the same lift with you) in the same lift, the same space. How will you tell.
It really a exciting challenge, you have to clearly describe which you say, and logical concept interpret in the Only 2 Minute.
For my experience, Once I came into a lift. There is "a man in black" ask me what do you want, where do I go. After I told him, I found he is a bodyguard and on his back is the vice-president of my country. ~~YA, very special experience!
God give the chance to the people who had prepared.
Finally, what had you prepared!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

write an email for trip schedule, but the function have some problems.
So I use Blogger to write, then post on internet.
reference my schedule for one day trip

trip schedule:  (coffee shop just open on Monday to Saturday)
1.monmouth coffee shop
2.tade modern museum paul's cathedral
4-1.boat river trip -> Greenwich
5-1. Greenwich foot tunnel
Greenwich park
royal observatory

another way
1.monmouth coffee shop
2.tade modern museum paul's cathedral
4-2. National Gallery
5-2. Hyde park( or kensington gardens)
6-2. Harrods department store
7-2. Italian restaurand

picture reference:

1.monmouth coffee shop
2.tade modern museum paul's cathedral

4-1.boat river trip   ->  Greenwich
5-1. Greenwich foot tunnel

Greenwich park

royal observatory

another way
1.monmouth coffee shop
2.tade modern museum paul's cathedrale
4-2. National Gallery

5-2. Hyde park( or kensington gardens)

6-2. Harrods department store

7-2. Italian restaurant
"Signor Sassi "

Thursday, March 01, 2012





因為寫字做筆記實在太耗時間了,我用打的再print出來,先把大標黑體字打出來,整章段落架構就清楚了,看不懂得還可以用google translate, referance參考一下,再來課本對黑體字的定義,就找出1個關鍵的字代表解釋,字數盡量不要多,清楚就好了,再瀏覽一下(skim)看看有沒有漏掉的重點,記住!我們是找重點不是把課文抄一遍。
