Thursday, May 10, 2012


Friday, May 04, 2012

How to riding on London - hire a Barclays bike

How to hire(rant) a bike
There are two way. First apply on line(or phone), then you will obtain a membership key( 3 pond). Then reference the pavement list. Second way, using you credit card or debit card pay on the spot.

Keep you safty

Riding is a risk outdoor activity. In Taiwan there is Yellow Taxi, in London there is Bus. Both of them are dangerous.

If just spur of the moment, you can hire on the spot(or regist online)
If you have "membership key", you will have more discount.
annual access looks like worth (45pond/ year)

So, all of the choose depend on your using frequently

Hint: If all your journeys are under 30 minutes, all you pay is your access fee

Access feeallows you to use the scheme for

24 hours
7 days
£5 equivalent to only 71p/day
£45 equivalent to only 12p/day(Members only)
  • If you want to use more than one cycle (up to four) you will need to pay an access fee for each cycle
  • Members can pay by credit or debit card online
  • Casual users can pay at a docking station or online
  • No cash or Oyster cards
  • Take a cycle as often as you like per access period, leaving five minutes between each trip
  • You must be 18 or over to buy access

Payment cards

If you're a Member and want to buy Casual User access, you'll need to use a different payment card, to the one registered to your account.

An access period begins

  • Members: When you put your key in the docking point or terminal
  • Casual User: When you identify yourself by putting your card in the terminal

Other charges

Membership key
£3 eachto release the cycles easily and quickly. You will need to pay the £3 Membership key fee for each key you request (up to four keys)
Late return charge
£150if you have the cycle for more than 24 hours or the access period runs out
Damage charge
Up to £300
Non return charge
For more information read the terms and conditions

Usage charge(time between picking up and returning a cycle)

Up to 30 minutes
Up to an hour
Up to one and a half hours
Up to two hours
Up to two and a half hours
Up to three hours
Up to six hours
Up to 24 hours (maximum)
To hire for more than a couple of hours it might be cheaper for you to use a company that specialises in hiring for longer periods.
Age minimum: 14 - any younger and you're not covered by insurance

When usage is charged

Usage charges will be debited from your account at the end of your access period, monthly if you've got annual access, or when you reach the maximum usage charge of £50.

Multiple keys

Number of Member keys purchased1234
Cost of keys
(at £3 each)
Cost of 24hr access period
(at £1 per key)
Cost of 7 day access period
(at £5 per key)
Cost of annual access period
(at £45 per key)
The access period charges will be charged for every key you own, every time you buy (or auto-renew) an access period - even if you're only using one key.

  • If you buy 3 keys (3 x £3 = £9), and choose annual access (3 x £45 = £135), the total cost will be £144
  • If you have 4 keys already on your account and buy a new 7 day access (4 x £5) thetotal cost will be £20