Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Work for what

(  British library business IP centre )

So far, most of my work is writing mail. Mail to customers,mail to government officer, and mail to school authority. Generally speaking, I just report what I am going to do and what's my thinking. The average I have to write 5~15 different mail or message each day by English.

The tempory office I use British library facility. The free water, electronic and wifi could sustain me all the office requirement. 

The benefit working outside in the library is you have the working feeling. The regular living life is the crucial key to access into success. For example, at 5:00 am in the morning weak up and take 06:30 bus to Euston station. In the bus I have check my new mail and write the reply draft in paper. When I arrive library, I could reply 4 official mail in 2 hours. That means in the 3.5~4 hours I could efficitvely finish one day work. Then, I could have enough time to deal with the encounter interruption.

However, if working at home, there are too many disrupts cause me do nothing all day. The reason is home is lovely and too convenience to do whatever you want. It is very difficult to manage myself when I lose my work focus. 

To sum up, work at home? No way. It's better wear smart and work outside.