Friday, September 30, 2011

Holy teacher had asked a tao seminar member
:What did you do in your usual time? member : play online game
Holy teacher: why you play it? member:Because it can up grade
Holy teacher: Why don't you up grade yourself your true life?

Today I encouraged a friend he have to cultivate himself constantly.Therefor he can leave his friend, and there are more and more friends would like to beside with him.
Quote "One peace":in the great route always appears powerful fellow.
During my UK route......always meet expert or prodigy...if I didn't cultivate and up grade myself in usual time , it is level insufficient!'s disqualify and con't find your partner in the trip .you also con't pass the game stage

仙佛曾問一為班員:平常都在幹嘛    班員:玩online game
仙佛:為什麼要玩     班員:因為可以升級(XD)

for some privacy purpose 2 days before, I took a yellow page in rubbish bin.
Today I got Argos catalog and let me have some inspire.

left picture is my electronic dictionary. There is a function "situation learning" it's a very good learning, I like it because it have picture and better than vocabulary recite.

this is new discover!!!
it is better then my dictionary and use UK people essentially use name.(you would not use USA name to make a jock in a poor situation .)


My new plant also one part of my dinner (Basil).However after I finish my pasta I remind my plant........

very interest! In super market sell herb and herb plant..........

Thanks my dear friend's giving.Now I tidy up in the cabinet.Too many things but I am happy


Too many things but I am happy. However I don't know how to sleep tonight.Thanks giving!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

three days before my mother told me my sister will come to London 1 day latter.I very surprise because I have to prepare her sheet.
After seeing her ,there was nothing she phone sim card, today I have to bring her to purchase every thing that she dally needed.In old stree....there is on store sell leverpool stree there is on store sell towel(before I though that near my school will more possible).After that I decide to go back my liveing town Lewisham shopping mole.....that is the absolutely success program~~~ so I back my home area from my school region than come back to school's class.......than immediately go back to my prepare cooking for my friends

after I helping my older sisiter purchase ,I go back my class.It's very funny because I remember wrongly class time.When I go into the classroom,my teacher say "why you are here,the class is finish and now this is extra 5 minutes".He didn't talk about the jock,after 5 minutes latter the class had been finished.
However this is a sunshine friday also some students last friday in this course.Even though I miss the class but it also is last chanse to say goodby to these classmat. Goodby my friend~~

today I invite some old friend that before I get with my dinner.Because one of my friend is his last week in London . Let us to remind 4~5 month ago with Daniil ,Koji, Chain Lee.....It's the happiest time all of us.However lots of guies leave this country and the last member Daniil will leave after 2 days.....too many memory we can't go back .That's why this is real life.
Eventually,after beer,my conversation feeling is going back!

its a busy day .....that's all