Friday, September 30, 2011

Holy teacher had asked a tao seminar member
:What did you do in your usual time? member : play online game
Holy teacher: why you play it? member:Because it can up grade
Holy teacher: Why don't you up grade yourself your true life?

Today I encouraged a friend he have to cultivate himself constantly.Therefor he can leave his friend, and there are more and more friends would like to beside with him.
Quote "One peace":in the great route always appears powerful fellow.
During my UK route......always meet expert or prodigy...if I didn't cultivate and up grade myself in usual time , it is level insufficient!'s disqualify and con't find your partner in the trip .you also con't pass the game stage

仙佛曾問一為班員:平常都在幹嘛    班員:玩online game
仙佛:為什麼要玩     班員:因為可以升級(XD)


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